The weekend before Thanksgiving, we celebrated Matt's 31st!!! birthday. We went out to dinner and enjoyed some almost-yummy gluten-free cupcakes. (I'm still experimenting with recipes.)

We had a very busy, but very fun, Thanksgiving week. I packed up the kids and headed to Leander the day before Thanksgiving. I was very proud of myself for making a three-hour car trip with two kids all by myself --with only two pit-stops along the way! We enjoyed lots of lots of family, yummy food, and play time.

Michael loves taking rides on the luggage rack outside!

The day after Thanksgiving, we met Matt at his parent's house in San Antonio. That Saturday, the whole Compton clan enjoyed another Thanksgiving feast at his grandmother's house. More family, yummy food, and play time!

The next day, Sarah received her name and blessing in Matt's parents' ward. It was a beautiful blessing, and my dad said that she was smiling during the whole thing.

Grandma gave her a beautiful blessing gown. She looked like a little angel.

Sarah 1 and Sarah 2.

After all the fun, we headed home. Matt is busy getting prepared for finals that start This Week! I'm busy getting ready for Christmas. Michael is just busy. And Sarah is enjoying not being busy.
Giddyup horsey!

Yes, that really is snow. This is our second winter in Houston and, oddly enough, our second Houston snow-storm. Michael was so excited! We were hoping it would stick so we could build a little snowman, but sadly, it melted as soon as it hit the ground.

Michael is turning into a great big brother. He loves to pat Sarah and show her how to play with her toys. He is talking a lot more, too. Every day he surprises me with a new word or two. His pronunciation still needs some work, but it is kind of nice to be able to hold a two-sided conversation with him, even if all of his responses consist of no more than one syllable. His favorite word? "Yeah!" This is his response to almost any question. Surprisingly/thankfully, he has yet to pick up the word "no."