In case you're wondering how we chose her name: Her firstname, Sarah, means princess, and it was fairly easy to decide on. It's a family name on both sides, and everyone we've known named Sarah has seemed to be an influence for good. We had a horrible time choosing her middle name and finally decided on Eleora, which is Hebrew meaning "the Lord is my light." It's not a family name or anything; we found it in a baby name book and it was one of the few names we both liked. And when she was born, it seemed to fit. :)

Coming home from the hospital.

This post would not be complete without a big "THANK YOU" to my mom. She came up to stay with us the week before Sarah was due and was a huge help with Michael!!! Coming home from the hospital, I was suffering from a spinal headache (from the epidural) which took over a week to go away. So while I was recouperating, my mom took care of me, Michael and Sarah for another week and a half. She is an absolute angel and I continue to learn what it means to be a mother from her. Thank you, Mom!!!
Dad gave Michael his first real haircut last week. I think he actually enjoyed it. We got him real excited about the buzzers being like a big bee going "buzzzzz" on his head.


Come on Dad. Don't you have enough pictures already?!

1 comment:
Love the update and pictures :) Glad to hear your headache finally went away! Thank goodness for Moms. So glad Sarah is sleeping well for you-that is the biggest blessing!
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