These pretty girls got all dressed up to go to a tea party hosted by Aunt Sarah. So fun!
Peter just learning to roll over.
One of the funnest things we've ever done as a homeschool group is visit "Crocodile Encounters." It was amazing! They really let you get up close to these animals
You just have to remember to stay on the right side of the fence!

Matt took a break from his busy work schedule to join us at the Sylvan Beach.
The Museum of Fine Arts hosted a fabulous Van Gogh exhibit. The best part was at the end where the kids got to interact with the art and artist.
Just so fun.
What a smiley boy!
Ada studied "flying creatures" this year for science, including butterflies. She successfully hatched, raised, and released a half-dozen butterflies.
So proud! I think this was the first time he got into a tree by himself.
A local nursery has this little guy living in the office. He really took a liking to Jojo.
With Nana and Popie, we visited beautiful Missouri including: the zoo in Springfield.
a roadside park for wading,
and a beautiful waterfall. I don't know if you can see it in the picture, but there were two men in the water fly fishing. The kids were fascinated.
It would have a been a perfectly wonderful trip if it hadn't been at the peak of tick season. We were literally pulling them off left and right, even covered in bug spray. (I am never going back during tick season!) We also found some surprise guests living in their home --a little grey mouse (It would have been adorable if it had been living outside or in a glass cage...) and a very long snake (It slithered across the driveway and right up the front steps into a little hole in the exterior wall.)
For Annie's birthday, we had a few little friends over for a tea party. Sadie and Ada even gave the little girls princess make-overs.
We gave her another little party on her actual birthday
and yet another one with Nana and Popie.
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