We loved having the whole family together for the wedding and for Christmas. We had lots of time to play and have fun with cousins!
Christmas morning was also fun.
Peter received his baby blessing the Sunday before Christmas (23rd) to take advantage of having all of my family here. And Grandma and Grandpa drove up from San Antonio.
These little guys just got plumb tuckered out...Annie even fell asleep in the middle of eating her cereal. It was so funny. (No that flake in her mouth was not staged. She really fell asleep mid-bite.)
Annie has always had plenty of personality! She's such an angel...
even when she's not!
Jojo lost his first tooth in January.
One of our favorite places to go is the HMNS butterfly center. During this particular visit, they even had bugs out that the kids were able to touch.
Gotta love those chubby cheeks!
Annie, aged 50 years.
One unhappy baby!
Michael took a basketball class at a local church and loved it. The little kids were able to scavenge extra balls and play along the sides. Annie loves this little pink tutu and wants to wear it all the time. All three girls have worn it and played in it.

Hanging around with old friends the Mohontys at Kleb Woods.
Michael's 11th birthday. He just couldn't wait to dig into that cake!
One nice thing about living in Houston: you can don swimsuits mid-winter and wash the car without freezing to death.
Ahhhhrrg! the dinosaur got her.... with a red marker.
All curled up with Lovey, her most favorite thing in the world.
Peter's first ride in the swing.
Peter was such a drooler! I resorted to keeping a bib on him all the time to try to keep his shirt mostly-dry.
His first taste of solid food was "interesting."
It was a lovely day for a walk along Cyress Creek.
Annie's hair was taking so long to grow, I finally decided to have it cut, just to kind of even things out for when it did start to grow. So this is her first haircut: before
and after.
If that was the end of the haircuts, it would have been great. But she decided she liked haircuts so much that she cut it herself a week or so later.... and then again .... and then again.
We finally just had to break down and take her back to the barber to get a super-short boy haircut.
At day at the zoo.
The kids got really creative one Saturday and decided to put on a show for the parents. We had a magic show, a clown act, dancing and miming. It was great!
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