Sunday, August 21, 2022

Christmas '21-New Year's '22

We kicked off the holidays with the girl's music and dance performance with DPAC. They both did a fabulous job. Annie was star of the show as she kept making goggles trying to see and follow her teacher through the glare of the lights. So funny! And Ada had a few solo peices that she did great on as well.

Our ward primary put on a nativity for the Christmas party. Joseph was the perfect Joseph, Ada was a superb wise-woman, Annie was an ideal shepherd, and Peter was a laudable lion-ahem-sheep.

Happy birthday to me!

Merry Christmas, Y'all! We had lots of family over for Christmas, which we love!

Everybody got a squishy under the tree.

Our tradition of gingerbread houses certainly didn't disappoint this year. 

Right after Christmas, we started another home-improvement project--tearing out the carpet in the master bedroom. It was messy and frustrating with very uneven floorboards to try to cover, but it turned out beautifully.

With spring rolling into town, it was Rodeo time! We took Ada's friend, Autumn, along and had a blast.

Michael turned 14 in February! I can't believe I have a child going to dances now. Scary!
This is my version of a bonfire cake to celebrate my pyromaniac son.

Other cute pics:

Canoeing through the zoo.
Peter's first haircut at the barber's.

A day at the Museum of Fine Arts with Sarah's friend, Grace.

Sarah's love of art continues to grow.
A fun time at a park with friends.
Future fire-fighter Joe.

Michael invented his own form of transportation --our bike trailer hitched up to our lawnmower. I let him go around the cul-de-sac in front of our house, but that was about it.

And Sarah got her hair beautifully layered for the first time. ...These kids just keep growing up!

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