"What is it about?" you ask. Suffice it to say, it's a very simple rhyming story that I think would make a great picture book. . . . If it does ever get published, you can read it then.
Matt has been an angel! He has whisked the kids off and given me two hours to myself each Saturday for the last month to work on this. . . . I'm really hoping he can keep it up, even with classes starting soon. All he can promise me is "We'll see."
In other news:
Sarah is getting her top front teeth in finally! She is just starting to cruise around the furniture and is becoming more and more aggressive about wanting to play with Michael's toys. --He, in turn is also becoming more aggressive. Sibling rivalry, here we come!!!
Motorcycle Mama. . . um Baby!
Yesterday, she got really ambitious and crawled up onto Michael's tricycle. She held on pretty well, and I pushed her around the living room a bit. She loved it!

Sarah has taken a special liking to a monkey puppet that I actually bought to give to my mother. Every time she sees it, she pulls it down and gives it to me wanting me to put it on and play with her.

Mom, I have to give this thing to you before it becomes another Toad.
best of luck to ya on your book!
No way! I hope you get published so we can all read it! So, if it does, do you get to ask someone to illustrate it?
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