Matt finished up his law school finals last week. Hurray! Two years down and one more to go. He was definitely ready for a break. The kids and I met him at school right after his last final and we headed to the beach. Michael, of course, loved it ...

especially feeding the sea gulls ...

but not so much the big waves. (Dad had to wade out and rescue him.)

Sarah tolerated it as long as she stayed out of the water.

We found a dead puffer fish. --Kind of yucky, but I thought it was pretty neat.

And Grandma came up for the weekend! We always love having her.

Fun pics:
For Mother's Day, Matt got me a "flirty apron." Now, I can cook in style!

Michael, King of the Laundry Pile. Laundry days are always fun at our house.

Sarah's first teeth just popped up. Poor girl, she had two teeth coming in at the same time and had a nasty cold to boot. There were a few days when she actually seemed cranky --weird because she is normally the mellowest baby ever! But now that the teeth are through and the cold is over, she's back to her happy self.

Michael sings the alphabet song: