Funny video of Sadie using an improvised walker while at Grandma's. She has finally started walking on her own this week, though she's still pretty wobbly. I'll try to post a good video of it soon.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween at Grandma's
I took the kids to Grandma's house in San Antonio for Halloween weekend. (Poor Matt had to stay home and study.) We had so much fun! Their ward had their Trunk-or-Treat Saturday night. Michael was so excited to get to go trick-or-treating again!

By the second time around, Michael had this figured out. Mom and Grandma had to run to keep up with him.

Visiting Grandpa's trunk was extra special.

A bucketful of booty!

Even more exciting, however, was giving out candy with Aunt Sarah on Halloween night! Believe it or not, he was this animated for 1 1/2 hours giving out candy. It was a true lesson that "It is better to give than to receive."

By the second time around, Michael had this figured out. Mom and Grandma had to run to keep up with him.

Visiting Grandpa's trunk was extra special.

A bucketful of booty!

Even more exciting, however, was giving out candy with Aunt Sarah on Halloween night! Believe it or not, he was this animated for 1 1/2 hours giving out candy. It was a true lesson that "It is better to give than to receive."
Halloween Fun
Here is one happy fireman!

Sadie (if you can't tell) played the part of the faithful dalmatian fire dog.
We had lots of fun at our ward's Trunk-or-Treat on the 27th. Michael loved trick-or-treating! Sadie had no idea what it was all about, but tolerated it pretty well.
Matt sacrificed several hours to decorate our trunk in preparation for the event. Decorations included spider webs, flying bats, miscellaneous bugs, and a partial skeleton. When the trick-or-treating started, he folded down the back seat of our car, climbed through to the trunk, covered himself with a black sheet, then waved the bones around and made spooky sounds to scare the kids. They loved it! . . . However, I'm not so sure how Matt felt about it when it was all said and done. He took some abuse from several 10-year-old boys who thought it was funny to grab the bones and whack him under the sheet. And the fact that it was still 80 degrees out and pretty hot under there. . . . But all that work paid off. We won the funniest trunk award and got a trophy and everything! Good job Matt!

Sadie (if you can't tell) played the part of the faithful dalmatian fire dog.
We had lots of fun at our ward's Trunk-or-Treat on the 27th. Michael loved trick-or-treating! Sadie had no idea what it was all about, but tolerated it pretty well.
Matt sacrificed several hours to decorate our trunk in preparation for the event. Decorations included spider webs, flying bats, miscellaneous bugs, and a partial skeleton. When the trick-or-treating started, he folded down the back seat of our car, climbed through to the trunk, covered himself with a black sheet, then waved the bones around and made spooky sounds to scare the kids. They loved it! . . . However, I'm not so sure how Matt felt about it when it was all said and done. He took some abuse from several 10-year-old boys who thought it was funny to grab the bones and whack him under the sheet. And the fact that it was still 80 degrees out and pretty hot under there. . . . But all that work paid off. We won the funniest trunk award and got a trophy and everything! Good job Matt!

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Birthday Girl!

Sarah just celebrated her first birthday! I can't believe it's already been a year since she joined our family. --At the same time, I can't imagine our family without her!
She has been the sweetest baby, and now that she's getting more personality I can tell she is going to be lots of fun. She has a lot of spunk and definitely knows her own mind! Her favorite pastime right now is to grab my fingers and lead me to exactly what she wants --the bookshelf (at which point she will start pulling books off the shelf one at a time until she finds the one she wants), the toy box (she digs around until she finds the exact toy she wants), or the kitchen for a snack. And don't even think of trying to lead her somewhere she doesn't want to go!

This girl is smart! She is actively using 5 words now --Mama, Dada, bath, duck (Can you guess what her favorite time of day is?), and pancake ("pa"). She can also point out a few different object in picture books while we're reading.
(Mom, why did you stick me in a boat full of pumpkins?)

While visiting my parents earlier this month, we took a trip to a pumpkin farm. Matt's mom drove up from San Antonio to double the fun. The kids had a blast! We will definitely be going back.
This was the cutest thing ever! Using hay as bait, Michael learned how to entice the goats at the petting zoo to stick their heads through the fence so he could give them big hugs.

Pumpkin painting is messy, but good fun.

Michael, Kylie, and Cole after successfully completing the kiddie corn maze.

Michael loved cutting flowers for his fall bouquet with Grandma. The real fun lay in using the scissors, which, up to that point, I had never let him use before.

Back at Nana's house, Sadie spent most of her time in the swing outside. (It doesn't matter how cold it is, she hates wearing socks and pulls them off as quickly as she can.)

Michael enjoyed reading the paper outside with Nana

and baking Halloween cookies. (Nana asked him what color he wanted them to be and he said purple! If the color was a little unappetizing, the taste made up for it.)

We also had a little birthday celebration for Sadie and my brother Joel. Mmmmmm . . . chocolate cake!

Back in Houston, we celebrated Sadie's birthday by going to the zoo. We took her there several months ago, but she was definitely more interested in the animals this time around.

She was mesmerized by this hornbill that was squawking and flapping all over its cage.

Michael loved the reptile house. Yes, that really is an albino alligator!

Sadie preferred the aquarium.

Being close to Halloween, Michael got to color a pumpkin and take it home!

That evening, we enjoyed some birthday custard. . . . Actually, Sadie didn't really enjoy it. She kept spitting it out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
September Recap
Over the River and Through the Woods . . .
Since my last post, we've made 3 trips to Grandmas' houses, so I will give a brief recap of each:
#1 to Nana's
We visited Nana for a few days and enjoyed a picnic at Georgetown Park,

making cookies with Nana,

and a trip to a nearby petting zoo,

including a free wagon ride provided by Uncle Stephan.

#2 to Grandma's
Then we headed south to visit Grandma. Our visit included lots of sidewalk chalk (Michale is so funny! Whenever I say "Look up" so I can take a picture, he takes me literally and looks straight up.),

a trip to the Texas Transportation Museum (of course!),

and a trip to Natural Bridge Caverns.

Michael looooooves caves! He has had his room decorated as a cave ever since he saw the Caves episode of Planet Earth--complete with stalagmites, stalactites, bats, and birds.

Sadie liked it too!

Thank you, Grandma, for making this little boy's dream come true!

#3 back to Grandma's
A few days after getting back home, we got a phone call from Grandpa saying he was just called to be the bishop of their ward. So, we made another quick trip the following weekend to see him sustained and set apart. What a special day!

Coincidentally, that Sunday was also Grandparent's Day. Michael and Sadie made some very sweet cards.

More pics & updates:
Matt is in the middle of his second-to-last semester of law school. Yikes this semester is going by fast! He will be taking his first midterm next week.
He is the sweetest husband and father!. . . .and yes, he is still giving me 2 hours a week free!

Michael is all over the place. He is the sweetest little boy most of the time, and then in in a split-second, he throws himself into a raging fit. He is talking non-stop now, and he loves to sing. He favored me with a spontaneous rendition of "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" this afternoon. He is learning to dress himself . . . that is to say more correctly, to undress himself. (I leave him in a room fully clothed and come back a minute later to find him completely stripped.) He loves making little crafts, helping in the kitchen, and wearing hats!

Sadie is close to walking. She loves holding my hands leading me around the house. With the cooler weather, we've started taking more walks, and more often than not, she will lead me to the stroller and start climbing in wanting to go out. She uttered her second word last week --duck! (She has several bath toy ducks she loves playing with, so I guess that just stuck. --"Mama," was her first word, of course!) She loves reading just as much as Michael did at this age and will drag books up to Matt and me wanting us to read to her. She hates wearing hats! I had to really work to snatch this one before she whisked it off her head.
Since my last post, we've made 3 trips to Grandmas' houses, so I will give a brief recap of each:
#1 to Nana's
We visited Nana for a few days and enjoyed a picnic at Georgetown Park,

making cookies with Nana,

and a trip to a nearby petting zoo,

including a free wagon ride provided by Uncle Stephan.

#2 to Grandma's
Then we headed south to visit Grandma. Our visit included lots of sidewalk chalk (Michale is so funny! Whenever I say "Look up" so I can take a picture, he takes me literally and looks straight up.),

a trip to the Texas Transportation Museum (of course!),

and a trip to Natural Bridge Caverns.

Michael looooooves caves! He has had his room decorated as a cave ever since he saw the Caves episode of Planet Earth--complete with stalagmites, stalactites, bats, and birds.

Sadie liked it too!

Thank you, Grandma, for making this little boy's dream come true!

#3 back to Grandma's
A few days after getting back home, we got a phone call from Grandpa saying he was just called to be the bishop of their ward. So, we made another quick trip the following weekend to see him sustained and set apart. What a special day!

Coincidentally, that Sunday was also Grandparent's Day. Michael and Sadie made some very sweet cards.

More pics & updates:
Matt is in the middle of his second-to-last semester of law school. Yikes this semester is going by fast! He will be taking his first midterm next week.
He is the sweetest husband and father!. . . .and yes, he is still giving me 2 hours a week free!

Michael is all over the place. He is the sweetest little boy most of the time, and then in in a split-second, he throws himself into a raging fit. He is talking non-stop now, and he loves to sing. He favored me with a spontaneous rendition of "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" this afternoon. He is learning to dress himself . . . that is to say more correctly, to undress himself. (I leave him in a room fully clothed and come back a minute later to find him completely stripped.) He loves making little crafts, helping in the kitchen, and wearing hats!

Sadie is close to walking. She loves holding my hands leading me around the house. With the cooler weather, we've started taking more walks, and more often than not, she will lead me to the stroller and start climbing in wanting to go out. She uttered her second word last week --duck! (She has several bath toy ducks she loves playing with, so I guess that just stuck. --"Mama," was her first word, of course!) She loves reading just as much as Michael did at this age and will drag books up to Matt and me wanting us to read to her. She hates wearing hats! I had to really work to snatch this one before she whisked it off her head.

Saturday, August 14, 2010
As many of you know, one of my life-long goals has been to publish a book. And now that I'm about 1/3 of the way through my life, I figured I had better get started. So here it is--my first manuscript submission about to be put in the mail.
"What is it about?" you ask. Suffice it to say, it's a very simple rhyming story that I think would make a great picture book. . . . If it does ever get published, you can read it then.
Matt has been an angel! He has whisked the kids off and given me two hours to myself each Saturday for the last month to work on this. . . . I'm really hoping he can keep it up, even with classes starting soon. All he can promise me is "We'll see."
In other news:
Sarah is getting her top front teeth in finally! She is just starting to cruise around the furniture and is becoming more and more aggressive about wanting to play with Michael's toys. --He, in turn is also becoming more aggressive. Sibling rivalry, here we come!!!
Motorcycle Mama. . . um Baby!
Yesterday, she got really ambitious and crawled up onto Michael's tricycle. She held on pretty well, and I pushed her around the living room a bit. She loved it!
Sarah has taken a special liking to a monkey puppet that I actually bought to give to my mother. Every time she sees it, she pulls it down and gives it to me wanting me to put it on and play with her.
Mom, I have to give this thing to you before it becomes another Toad.

"What is it about?" you ask. Suffice it to say, it's a very simple rhyming story that I think would make a great picture book. . . . If it does ever get published, you can read it then.
Matt has been an angel! He has whisked the kids off and given me two hours to myself each Saturday for the last month to work on this. . . . I'm really hoping he can keep it up, even with classes starting soon. All he can promise me is "We'll see."
In other news:
Sarah is getting her top front teeth in finally! She is just starting to cruise around the furniture and is becoming more and more aggressive about wanting to play with Michael's toys. --He, in turn is also becoming more aggressive. Sibling rivalry, here we come!!!
Motorcycle Mama. . . um Baby!
Yesterday, she got really ambitious and crawled up onto Michael's tricycle. She held on pretty well, and I pushed her around the living room a bit. She loved it!

Sarah has taken a special liking to a monkey puppet that I actually bought to give to my mother. Every time she sees it, she pulls it down and gives it to me wanting me to put it on and play with her.

Mom, I have to give this thing to you before it becomes another Toad.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Bay House
My Uncle Richard was kind enough to let us use his house on the San Leon peninsula. The kids and I enjoyed three days with my mom, nephew Cole, niece Kylie. The house looks directly out on Galveston Bay and we had fun rocking on the big porch swing and watching all the huge ships sailing by.
Of course, we headed to the beach!

Michael was in little-boy heaven! He spent the whole time digging in the sand.
Sarah makes the cutest beach baby!
(Back at home) She is definitely turning into a Daddy's Girl.

Of course, we headed to the beach!

Michael was in little-boy heaven! He spent the whole time digging in the sand.

Sarah makes the cutest beach baby!

(Back at home) She is definitely turning into a Daddy's Girl.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fourth of July
For Independence Day, I took the kids to my folks house. What was going to be just a quick weekend trip turned into a week-long vacation due to some inner-ear problems I was having. (Yes, I'm better now.) So aside from a little vertigo, we had a nice long visit with Nana and Popie. My brother Joel came down with his kids, Cole and Kylie, and Stephan and Alison were there too.
The highlight was, of course, the fireworks. I let Michael stay up late to watch and he was in total awe; not a bit afraid! And surprisingly enough, he didn't burn himself with the sparklers!
We devoured the smoked chicken my brother, Stephan, made. Not only is he an excellent chef, he's quite the marksman too!
One day, Mom, Alison, and I canned tomatoes. It took all day! But I think we came out with over 6 dozen beautiful red pints. I remember my mom saying once that one of the cheeriest sounds she's ever heard is the "pop" of a canning lid sealing. After hours of boiling, peeling, slicing, and steaming, I have to agree.
Matt's mom came up to share a day with us, including taking Michael out for ice cream and to the park!
Higher, Grandma! Higher!
Back at home, we've invented a new sport--Plastic Bubble Racing! Thanks to a kiddie gimmick at our local grocery store, we have an over abundance of these vending machine bubbles. So one rainy Saturday afternoon, we realized the perfect way to recycle these babies is to race them in the water draining from our complex's parking lot. Now every time it rains, Michael want to go bubble racing.

After a visit with my cousin Chris and his wife Julie, who successfully survived potty training their twins, I have decided to revisit potty training with Michael. I must admit that have been dreading this ever since I became a mother. We're using a horse and carrot approach. Each potty session earns him an M&M. . . . As my mom said, it's not bribing, it's a reward. We also went out and bought him some fun character undies. He's pretty excited about all of it, and he's doing pretty well all things considered . . . as long as I remind him periodically. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Giddyup Dinosaur!
It's never too early to begin training for a career in piracy.
Sarah is zooming all over the house these days. I can't go from one room to the other without her following me. Within the last few weeks, she has also learned to pull herself up to stand. She's still kind of wobbly, but she does pretty well as long as she remembers to hold on.
The highlight was, of course, the fireworks. I let Michael stay up late to watch and he was in total awe; not a bit afraid! And surprisingly enough, he didn't burn himself with the sparklers!

We devoured the smoked chicken my brother, Stephan, made. Not only is he an excellent chef, he's quite the marksman too!

One day, Mom, Alison, and I canned tomatoes. It took all day! But I think we came out with over 6 dozen beautiful red pints. I remember my mom saying once that one of the cheeriest sounds she's ever heard is the "pop" of a canning lid sealing. After hours of boiling, peeling, slicing, and steaming, I have to agree.

Matt's mom came up to share a day with us, including taking Michael out for ice cream and to the park!

Higher, Grandma! Higher!

Back at home, we've invented a new sport--Plastic Bubble Racing! Thanks to a kiddie gimmick at our local grocery store, we have an over abundance of these vending machine bubbles. So one rainy Saturday afternoon, we realized the perfect way to recycle these babies is to race them in the water draining from our complex's parking lot. Now every time it rains, Michael want to go bubble racing.

After a visit with my cousin Chris and his wife Julie, who successfully survived potty training their twins, I have decided to revisit potty training with Michael. I must admit that have been dreading this ever since I became a mother. We're using a horse and carrot approach. Each potty session earns him an M&M. . . . As my mom said, it's not bribing, it's a reward. We also went out and bought him some fun character undies. He's pretty excited about all of it, and he's doing pretty well all things considered . . . as long as I remind him periodically. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Giddyup Dinosaur!

It's never too early to begin training for a career in piracy.

Sarah is zooming all over the house these days. I can't go from one room to the other without her following me. Within the last few weeks, she has also learned to pull herself up to stand. She's still kind of wobbly, but she does pretty well as long as she remembers to hold on.

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