Matt is deep in the midst of his third semester of law school, but has managed to find time for a little fun here and there. He and Michael have become best buds in the last few months.
Sporting the latest fashion --cabbage leaf hats.
Whooooaaa there horsey!
Kite flying fun.

Michael now prefers running to walking, and I do my best to waddle after him. During our kite-flying adventure, he ran the perimeter of 1 1/2 soccer fields in order to touch the flags at every corner. Needless to say, he gets very excited about flags . . . and traffic lights . . . and balloons . . . and fire hydrants and . . .

As for me, I'm doing pretty well with only 2 1/2 weeks left before D-Day. This picture was taken several weeks ago.--I'm quite a bit rounder now.
Sunday evening fun in the tub. My husband, the Sharp Shooter.
Aunt Rachel came to visit us a few weeks ago. As you can see, she's a lot of fun!