Today was Joseph's 2-month check-up with the pediatrician. It seems incredible that two months can go by so quickly! And yet at the same time, it's as if little Joseph has always been a part of the family. (I know I say that with each of my kids, but it's so true!)
22.75 inches long
12 lbs. 15 oz.
(about average)
He has started social smiling now, but this was caught at just a few weeks old: one of those precious in-between-sleep-and-awake smiles. | |
(Not sure why these pics are turning sideways.)
He was received his baby blessing at church October 20th. Yes, he's wearing the same outfit that Michael was blessed in. |
The men of the family. (Should have gotten Michael in on this one.) |
A friend of mine offered to do some newborn photos of Joseph.( So, here he is, just one week old. These came out so precious I wish we had done newborn photos for all the kids.
Is it cold in here? |