Sarah started smiling early in the month. I've been trying to decide who she looks like in the family. I'm still not sure, but I do think she has her Grandpa Compton's smile. Within the last week, she has started giggling. But you can't always tell what will make her laugh, so it's always a surprise when she does.

She loves riding around in her front carrier, seeing the world,

and enjoys baby-kick-boxing in her infant gym.

She is learning to grab and hold onto toys, but is still working on motor control.

As you can see, she is very well fed.

Smiley and beautiful!

Michael is Busy, Busy, Busy! It's like he has a little motor inside him that never stops . . . except for nap time.

Swinging (I got out my Gazelle exercise machine to try to work off some baby fat, and Michael has soooooo much fun on it. It's like a playscape in our living room!)

Doing the splits

Cuddling all his frog friends: Toad, Frog, Gorf, Puddles, and Widdle.

A few weeks ago, we made play-dough for the first time. We made several objects before deciding to make a dog, complete with a ball, a stick, and a water dish. At this point, I had to leave briefly to take care of Sarah. When I came back, Michael had a big smile on his face and pointed to the water dish, which magically now had water in it. I looked a little closer and discovered drool on his chin. --What a creative little boy to make water for the play-dough dog!

While visiting my mom last week, we took a trip to the Natural History museum on UT campus. Michael loved the dinosaur exhibit, as you can see. He hugged this dino bone repeatedly!

Michael finally learned how to climb out of his crib, but he's not quite ready for a real bed. He ranges from one end of the bed to the other and back through the course of a night. So, we lowered the rail of his crib all the way to the floor. It's high enough that he can't roll out, but low enough that he can climb out without falling.