So, we actually celebrated Christmas three different times. We opened presents at our house Christmas Eve afternoon (Michael woke up from nap time to discover Santa had come a little early), then we headed to my parent's house. After a traditionally yummy Christmas breakfast whipped up by my mom, we had another round of gift opening, much to Michael's enjoyment. I stayed with the kids for a week, while Matt had to come home to get some work done. (He's got a 60+ page paper due by the beginning of next semester!) Then, we joined up again at his parent's house in San Antonio where, much to our amazment, Santa struck again. Needless to say, Michael became more adept at gift opening with each succeeding "Christmas."
Christmas #1

I think Matt's favorite gift was a set of hand puppets.

Christmas #2

My brother, Joel, came with his kids, Cole and Kylie. Michael had so much fun playing with the "big kids"!

My mom (very patiently!) helped all the kids make cut-out Christmas cookies.

I love this photo! My mom bought Sarah a striped Christmas outfit and then, coincidentally, wore red stripes too. The lights in the background add a halo-like quality.

Christmas #3

Michael and his dad love playing in boxes!

My favorite gift. The real reason we celebrate Christmas! (Thanks Lisa!)