For the last few weeks, he's been struggling to get up on all fours and is now doing really well getting up and down and wobbling back and forth, but he hasn't tried to move his hands while he's up yet. Instead, he's finally learned to use his feet to scoot on his belly. He hasn't gone very far yet, but I think within the next few weeks, he'll be able to get from one end of the living room to the other.

We have a keyboard we keep down on the floor for him to play with and he loves it!!! He uses his hands, his feet, his nose, and will even use a random plastic toy to bang out the most unique melodies. We're absolutely certain he is a child prodigy and are planning on signing him up for piano lessons as soon as he learns to use his fingers independantly. :)
Also last week, we had to deal with the most horrendous smell coming from our refridgerator. After several calls and visits from the apt. maintenence folks, we finally got a brand new refridgerator put in a few days ago. Our best guess is that a huge rodent of some sort (it was way too stinky to be a little mouse) got caught underneath and died. Anyway, our whole apartment became unbearable to live in so we spent as much time as we could out of it.

Friday night, Michael and I met Matt down at the U of H and he showed us around campus. Michael loved watching the fountains!

Last Saturday, Matt took the day off and we headed down to Galveston where Michael got his first taste of the sea --literally! He loved the sand (playing in it and eating it), but the waves kind of freaked him out. But it was a fun adventure for Mom and Dad too. We stayed on the beach to watch the moon and stars appear and enjoyed watching the crabs come out and dance across the sand.

Matt and I would love to back, but I think we'll have to wait until after Michael is past the crawling and "let's stick everything in my mouth as fast as possible" stage.

Sunday after church, we headed straight over to my uncle Eddie's house and spent the day with his family. It is sooo nice to have family close by! Unbeknownst to us, we moved into some apartments right next to the neighborhood where my cousin Tina lives. We're within walking distance so we've been enjoying going on morning walks together.

Just a cute picture --Michael helps out with the laundry.