It's been quite a month. Michael has been very patient with us as we've tried to figure out this parenthood thing.
Michael really is a superb baby. --And I maintain that I am not being biased in saying so! It's simply self-evident based on the following facts about this amazing child:
1) He rarely cries, though he does like to grunt! (We finally figured out that he doesn't do well on soy milk, so now I'm off dairy and soy. I'm doing my best to adjusting to life without breakfast cereals.)
2) He knows the difference between day and night, with his "nights" running from midnight to about 10 a.m. He wakes up to eat and then goes right back to sleep.

3) He's sticking to a three-hour schedule during the day, and is transitioning to about a four-hour schedule at night.
4) He can already hold his head steady when upright and can lift it up and turn it side to side when on his tummy.
5) He loves to look at his Momma and Daddy!
6) He can track Momma with his eyes and turn his head to follow her.
7) He loves to being rocked, sung to, swaddled, and is already deeply attached to his binki.

When Micheal was just two weeks old, Aunt Sarah came up to visit and babysit while Matt and I had a night out, which consisted of going out for ice cream and a quick trip to Target. Thanks Sarah!

Last week, we spent some time with Cole and Kylie, my nephew and neice, who were visiting Nana for Spring Break. Among other things, we went on a nature walk at Nana's and went to a tea party at the library where they each got to help one of the entertainers play her violin.

The Saturday before Easter, my parents held their annual Family Easter Party and Michael got to participte in his very first Easter Egg Hunt! (Of course, Mom and Dad will have to finish off that Easter candy for him.) We loved getting to see everyone, even though I was a bit under the weather, and look forward to next year when Michael might actually be awake for the big event. Easter Sunday we started a new tradition by having an "Easter program" at home. We read scriptures, sang hymns, and bore testimony of our Savior. Even Michael "participated" by staying awake during the whole thing.